Technical Information to Underline Worldwide Leadership
Technical information does not solely communicate special characteristics of products. Furthermore, it is a useful tool to underline a corporation’s leading role on the level of products. Scenography contributes in an important way.
For one of its customers, a global leader in cathodic corrosion protection systems, MARK-MAN implemented this in 2011. The set of statements and the visual components are structured in a special way. The addressees receive the product related messages in a coherent, comprehensible, and credible way. Several languages support the firm integration into the company’s markting and communications mix. To develop the program several elements of VentureSoulTM were applied.
VentureSouldTM from MARK-MAN is a tool to develop corporate specific marketing and communications approaches. They are mainly based on authenticity and credibility by gaining access to the corporate’s unconscious.