A lecture in economy and the unconscious in Berlin, Germany
Ulrich Hermanns, owner of MARK-MAN, lectured on 30th Jan to a considerable number of guests of the Psychoanalytic Salon in Germany’s capital Berlin. The theme was Jacques Lacan’s Discours capitaliste and its economic implications for a contemporary understanding of human desire.
Topics covered the link between individual desire and the macro economy, as well as showing how inadequately the language of desire deals with a market-related, alienated structure. Implications on the world-wide organization of a permanent shift of the ‘real’ unconscious were touched upon. Finally, conjecture on how the intertwined mix of libido and death drive leads to super-ego driven, continuous ‘human’ reproduction, was given.
A vivid discussion, including how to use some of the findings in the business environment finished this start-up event for 2012. Ulrich Hermanns thanks Dr. Birgit Pungs, Dr. May Wegener and Mrs. Eva-Maria Jobst of the association Psychoanalytischer Salon, Berlin, for their kind invitation and hospitality.