MARK-MAN Navigator – Planning dimensions 2019
The latest MARK-MAN Navigator™ 2019 illuminates for our clients the most relevant developments shorthand from a scientific perspective. The panorama showes a global view.

In the Heart of the Wild Triangle – Novel
Auf den ersten Blick ein etwas ungewöhnlicher Marketing-Aspekt – Ulrich Hermanns beleuchtet die Ökonomie des Begehrens in einem Roman.

MARK-MAN Navigator – Planning dimensions 2016
The recently created MARK-MAN Navigator™ 2016 is devoted to the interplay between practice and theory.

MARK-MAN Navigator 2013 – recent insights
MARK-MAN Navigator 2012 identifies two power sources for strategy-based, integrated Marketing Communication

MARK-MAN supports Assoziation Pathognostik
Within the frame of a free social project we support the German based 'Assoziation Pathognostik Düsseldorf '.

MARK-MAN brand operates in Australia
A corporate brand from Mark-Man is operating since this summer in Australia.

A lecture in economy and the unconscious in Berlin, Germany
Ulrich Hermanns, owner of MARK-MAN, lectured to a considerable number of guests of the Psychoanalytic Salon in Germany’s capital Berlin

Technical Information to Underline Worldwide Leadership
Technical information does not solely communicate special characteristics of products.

Marketing Metaphoria
The book of Gerald and Lindsay Zaltman has already been published in 2008 - meanwhile we can report on experiences from using this model.

Economy of desire
Mark-Man has recently revised a model of the French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan to be able to dtermine important terms in the area of the economy of desire more exactly.

Shared Value, Corporate Advertising and Corporate Identity
Mark-Man supports its customers with demanding and ambitious projects.

VentureSoul – The unconscious of the corporation
In the unconscious, capital and desire are synonyms. In practice, they are most often treated separately.